There remain no good reasons for current levels of limitations and constraints to continue to be imposed upon commercial developers as Watts Antenna Company’s Advanced ILS Antennas have been proven to mitigate the root causes for instituting these constraints and unlike satellite based landing solutions, they have no reliability issues. Therefore continuance of current levels of constraints is no longer a matter of necessity but rather a matter of choice. We believe that all community and commercial developers should be made aware of this and begin asking why airports continue to use legacy ILS Antennas that limit everyone’s development opportunities. See Further Explanation Below…
Have you ever had a construction project application denied because you were told it would interfere with aviation? Maybe it is aviation that is needlessly interfering with your construction project!

Real estate developers should be asking why airports continue to use legacy ILS Antennas
Airports continue to use legacy ILS Antennas that radiate wide signal beams limiting everyone’s construction opportunities around airports rather than using Advanced ILS Antennas radiating narrow beams and cost so little to replace. Sadly, airports often spend more money on artwork than it would cost to replace their ILS antennas from past generations with the most modern high capacity Advanced ILS Antennas available.
We are not talking about replacing the entire ILS, just the antenna subsystem. Not only would this open areas in and around airports for development but it would also lead to increase airport capacities of all kinds, provide them opportunities for additional revenue streams and enhance operational safety.
Why haven’t airports replaced their antiquated ILS antennas?
Aviation Authorities who often control airport improvement funding have been advising airports to wait for Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technology to be made reliable enough to handle the critical task of safely landing aircraft. However, GNSS technology has a fatal flaw in that the signal being very weak and easily jammed or spoofed, is not particularly reliable. In fact the technology is proving less reliable with each passing day as incidents of spoofing and jamming have increased exponentially and more governmental agencies are sounding the alarm, warning of the need for back-up systems.
Yet, GNSS proponents continue a misleading narrative by heralding the precision of GNSS signals without breathing a word about their lack of reliability. Their goal is to continue receiving the levels of funding they have been enjoying for as long as possible in hopes of finding solutions to the reliability issues. Meanwhile development opportunities of all kinds, especially in the United States, are being held up unnecessarily as the installation of reliable modern ILS antennas that reduce land use constraints and re-establish safety as priority one are often discouraged.
Recently, Miami International Airport and other airports around the world have begun weighing the benefits of upgrading their ILS against waiting for a GNSS solution and have chosen to move forward with Advanced ILS Antenna installations at their airports. You may want to approach airports in areas where you recognize real estate development opportunities and ask them to consider Advanced ILS Antennas as well.