Watts Antenna Company for more than 40 years has manufactured high-performance ILS Antennas utilized to increase airport capacity, safety and efficiency at some of the world’s most challenging regional and busiest international airports. Today we are the World Leader in Advanced ILS Antennas and have a full complement of the most extraordinarily Advanced ILS Antennas found anywhere in the world.

Regional airports around the world, having previously been told that their site is too challenging for an ILS, have found that our Advanced ILS Antennas allow them an ILS. As a result, they are now greater economic catalysts for their communities. International airports are replacing their airport’s “Operationally Antiquated” ILS Antennas with our Advanced ILS Antennas to allow additional infrastructure such as taxiways, security fencing and runway extensions to increase revenue and security. Read on and discover the many ways in which Watts’ Advanced ILS Antennas can increase your airport community’s prospects!
The Solution For Enhancing Operational Safety And Reliability Of Guidance Signals During The Critical Landing Phase Is Also The One That Will Increase Revenue Streams For Airports And Stakeholders. Click The Button Above To Learn More.
“The increasing reliance on GPS for military, civil and commercial applications make the system vulnerable,” according to Space Policy Directive-7 (SPD-7), issued on January 15, 2021. “GPS users must plan for potential signal loss and take reasonable steps to verify or authenticate the integrity of the received GPS data and ranging signal, especially in applications where even small degradations can result in loss of life.” – DHS
GPS – Not The “Be All End All” Many Still Imagine It To Be, Especially For Life Critical Tasks, e.g., Landing Aircraft
“It is time to change the narrative. The Instrument Landing System (ILS) is NOT a “backup” for GPS, it is the ‘Gold Standard’ primary and pilots should use it that way.” – John H. Johnson Sr., President, Watts Antenna Company
If there were any remaining questions in your mind, regarding the suitability of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technology to replace the ILS as the primary landing system technology, then recent warnings from the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies should answer them once for all. “Since GPS signals can be jammed or spoofed, critical infrastructure systems should not be designed with the assumption that GPS data will always be available or will always be accurate,” – Jim Platt, Chief of Strategic Defense Initiatives at the Cybersecurity and Information Security Agency (CISA) National Risk Management Center.
Miami International Airport (pictured) wisely commissioned a Watts’ End-Fire Glide Slope Advanced ILS Antenna in 2020 which allowed them to extend a taxiway that otherwise would conflict with an imaging ILS antenna.

Risks are being taken increasingly at major airports throughout the world in attempts to gain greater throughput capacity. Click the ‘Unnecessary Risk’ button below to read a paper presented to many aviation groups concerning the risks associated with the continued to use “Operationally Antiquated” ILS Antennas instead of Advanced ILS Antennas at airports with congestion and capacity issues.
Airport/Airspace Optimization
Universally, our Advanced ILS Antennas can increase operational safety and throughput capacity at airports all around the world. They can support modernization efforts of all aviation authorities and organizations including those of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and their member states. Simply put…whether used in support or instead of any other landing system technologies, as many including ourselves for safety reasons believe they should be utilized, our Advanced ILS Antennas will perform brilliantly by increasing operational safety, efficiency, capacity and financial opportunities while reducing per capita greenhouse gas emissions wherever they are commissioned.
Our Advanced ILS Antenna arrays promote growth and development of airports of every size and their surrounding communities by removing significant restrictions on the use of spatial real estate in and around them. In doing so, it opens the door to many previously withheld opportunities and allows developments that can benefit the entire community.
(Picture by Etienne du Plessis)
Multi-taxi surface congestion occurrence shown at Chicago O’Hare International Airport, demonstrating a need for the increased throughput capacity our advanced antennas can provide.